
Kálfafellsstaðarkirkja Church


Until 1885 there was a turf church at Kálfafellsstaður, but then in the summer a wooden church was built there and consecrated in the autumn. On January 7, 1886, there was such a strong storm over Suðursveit that never before had such a thing been known. At one point, the newly consecrated church was blown up and shattered. Nothing could be saved until the weather was over. Then they started picking up the ruins, which had spread for many miles. Most of the church artefacts were found but damage. The statue of King Ólafur the Holy the patron saint of the church, was found on the other hand intact and was considered an almighty work. This statue is neatly carved from wood as King Ólafur is in a golden royal scarf with a crown on his head. The statue is now in the custody of the National Museum of Iceland, but had previously stood on the chancel of the church when it was destroyed.





In 1926 it was decided to build a new church at Kálfafellsstaður. A new place was found for the church as the old church had stood in the middle of the cemetery. Architect Guðjón Samúelsson, the state master builder, was hired to design the church. In the summer of 1927 the church was plastered inside and out, as well as painted. The church was consecrated on July 31, 1927.

The church seats over 80 people and is suitable for medium-sized ceremonies. Accessibility is very good to and inside the church. The church is bright and therefore suitable for photography.
