
Hafnarkirkja Church
Hafnarkirkja in Höfn was consecrated on July 28, 1966 and stands in the middle of the village. The architect of the church is Ragnar Emils. The church nave seats about 200 people and is therefore suitable for larger ceremonies.

Bjarnaneskirkja Church
Bjarnaneskirkja is and has been an unusual and controversial church building. The church was consecrated in 1976 and designed by the architect Hannes Kr. Davíðsson. This is an innovative building in terms of form, but it is formed by two parts, a pyramid and a curved dome that rises considerably and widens to the west.

Stafafellskirkja Church
Not long after the conversion to Christianity in the year 1000, a church was established at Stafafell. The church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and therefore called the Church of Mary.

Hoffellskirkja Church
Hoffellskirkja is privately owned and is owned by the farmers at Hoffell. It is very probable that there was a pagan temple in the place where the church is now or in its vicinity, if only the name of the place, Hoffell, is considered.

Brunnhólskirkja Chruch
For many centuries there has been a church in this rural district, but in different places. The place where Brunnhólskirkja now stands was made a church site in 1894 when the church was built there.

Kálfafellsstaðarkirkja Church
In 1926 it was decided to build a new church at Kálfafellsstaður. A new place was found for the church as the old church had stood in the middle of the cemetery. Architect Guðjón Samúelsson, the state master builder, was hired to design the church.

Hofskirkja Church
It is not known with full certainty when the first church was built at Hof, but it is believed that it was soon after the legalization of the Christian faith. Hofskirkja which is now built in 1883 and is a turf church and is another of the two parish churches in the country which is a turf church.